Bursting thru… Image

So, now Kim is 34 weeks pregnant. She’s totally over the whole experience now, and just wants the little guy to come out of there. Kim the trooper is dealing with Joshua giving her a tummy beating, pains, cramps, trouble getting up, turning over in bed… you name it. I can only sit by and… Continue reading Bursting thru… Image

28 Week Baby Bump Photo

She’s doing well folks, holding up her end of the bargin…. or something like that. Kim’s has been getting her Braxton Hicks over the past few weeks and is now starting to get some Supa-pubic pains. I think they just make up these words to make you feel sorry for them…. Only joking, Braxton Hicks… Continue reading 28 Week Baby Bump Photo

Battle of the Bulge – 26 Weeks Photo

Here is the latest photo taken moments ago. As you can see – the little thing is starting to take it’s toll on Kim’s small frame. But it’s only going to get worse, keep it tuned in and watch this space for updates.